El Grupo de Acción Financiera de Latinoamérica (GAFILAT) es una organización intergubernamental de base regional que agrupa a 18 países de América del Sur, Centroamérica y América del Norte. El GAFILAT fue creado para prevenir y combatir el lavado de activos, financiamiento del terrorismo y el financiamiento de la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva. LEER MÁS

LAS 40

Para que la lucha contra el lavado de activos y el financiamiento del terrorismo sea eficaz requiere que todos los países estén alineados en la misma dirección. Al vivir en una sociedad globalizada, es necesario ser parte de una visión conjunta para combatir adecuadamente delitos que, en esencia, son redes transnacionales que transgreden todo tipo de fronteras y opacan a cualquier esfuerzo individual aislado. LEER MÁS


Para el desarrollo de los diversos trabajos y proyectos del GAFILAT, se han conformado Grupos de Trabajo, los cuales están integrados por representantes de los países miembros y apoyados por la Secretaría Ejecutiva. Los grupos se encargan de generar los insumos fundamentales para la elaboración y el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados en los programas de acción anuales. Su accionar está sometido a la aprobación del Pleno de Representantes. LEER MÁS


GAFILAT observer members are those states and organisations that have expressed their support for the objectives of the Group. Their incorporation is reviewed and approved by the Plenary of Representatives under the terms and conditions set out in the Internal Rules of Procedure.

In addition to supporting GAFILAT’s aims and activities, observers provide technical assistance and financial support, in accordance with their relevant rules and policies, for the achievement of the objectives pursued.

German Development Cooperation implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Since 2017, the German Development Cooperation implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been working together with GAFILAT to implement capacity building and development activities. By carrying out specific projects, it contributes to strengthening the capacities of member countries and consolidating GAFILAT’s institutional structure with excellent outcomes.

In the context of the current crisis in the region as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote technical assistance products and tools are being developed to support countries in a complex scenario.

In addition, the work being carried out aims to provide the organisation with IT tools and communication systems to bring GAFILAT’s work closer to its members.

In addition, the work being carried out aims to provide the organisation with IT tools and communication systems to bring GAFILAT’s work closer to its members.


Spain is an important strategic partner for GAFILAT. Within the framework of an uninterrupted cooperation, it provides technical assistance to member countries on specific topics through regional courses of the highest international technical quality.

The programmes are planned and designed according to the training needs and priorities of the beneficiary countries.

Some of the topics covered in these courses are as follows:

  • Comprehensive training on the FATF 40 Recommendations
  • AML/CFT prevention obligations in legal activities and professions
  • International Standards in the Fight against ML/TF
  • Terrorist financing: international measures, financial intelligence and prevention
  • National co-ordination and areas of relevance to the AML/CFT regime
  • Training on supervision of DNFBPs
  • Training course for countries to be assessed.

United States

As an observer member of GAFILAT, the United States makes annual voluntary contributions to strengthen GAFILAT’s structure and address issues of common interest.

The current cooperation project includes training activities on relevant issues such as Virtual Assets (VAs) and Terrorist Financing (TF).

In the context of the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 virus, the project incorporated the objective of developing and strengthening remote training strategies to bring technical assistance closer to GAFILAT member countries.

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